
Intro + About

👑 Welcome to my portfolio to show case all my many different
applications and websites i have developed through my journey to become a software developer. 😀 Im building up my knowledge on a few languages, IDE's and Engines as expressed in the "Software Used" section, click the software used button to find out which ones ive used. I hope you enjoy the apps as much as i did developing them. 🔥 Pick Me

Thank you for visiting my page


These are all my projects ive developed on my journey, if you have any feed back or questions, please leave me a message in the contact section. 💌

Hololens AI Friend

AI Friend

This is an AI project that you can have a conversation with that responds to your commands with actions. I am using UNITY, Convai AI, VISAUL STUDIO, HOLOLENS 🎮



This is an AI project that you can tell the AI what to draw and download the image to use how ever you want. I used REACT, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, MONGODB, EXPRESS.JS, DALLE-AI 🎮

Car Racing Website

Racing car game

This is a car racing game, customize your car and race around the garden. I used THREE.JS, REACT, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, TYPESCRIPT 🎮

AR Car Performance Website

AR Car Performance website

This project is a website version of my AR car application on google play store. I only have CPANEL and not PLESK so you can only view a video of this project at this point and time. I used THREE.JS, REACT, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, TYPESCRIPT 🎮

Car AR Performance App

Car AR AI app

I updated my AR car app with the portal and software used. It was based upon a car dealership not being able to have customers view the cars they have for sale due to covid, you can place a car in the scene and voice command it, so this was a kool way for customers to view cars. Also you can view the cars in a PORTAL into the real world and explore a car show room without leaving your home. I used UNITY, AR FOUNDATION, WIT.AI, C#, Visual Studio. This is on Google Play Store.

Kids-App Keeping Tabs

kepping tabs google play store

This is an application that is on Google Play Store, i developed it so that i can keep tabs on my children, it helped me decipline them and show what they have done in the app. It also teaches about working hard for money and then exchanging time earnt for something of value or no value, just like real money, but no actual money is used for this. I used ANDROID STUDIO, JAVA.

Keeping Tabs kidsapp Webite

Car AR AI app

This is my keeping tabs application that i have in the Google Play Store, turned into a website that you can add your own kids by signing up and then rewarding them with their own website to play a reward game. I used HTML, CSS, AJAX, JAVASCRIPT, PHP.

CMS Blog

Car AR AI app

This is a mock up version of a content management system made blog website. Create your own blog, edit layout of your website and more.., i used HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, AJAX, PHP.

AR Solar System

AR world

Welcome to a AR Solar System for you to immersive yourself in. Very kool, come check it out! Though its better to view this on your phone if your phone is AR capable. 🎮

Pop The Bubbles

pop the bubble game google play

This is an android application i made which is a bubble pop game. The only difference is that you dont have lives and only have a set amount of money to spend so spend it wisely. i used UNITY, SCRIPTABLE OBJECTS, ASSETS.

My 2D Rpg Game

google play store 2drpggame

This is a 2D rpg game i made, you have to talk to the girl and she will tell you to wait for the skeleton to go on his lunch break to go in the cave. You can move around the cave and get into random fights, you can buy and sell items from the shop keeper and save your progress. I used UNITY, C#, VISUAL STUDIO, ASSETS.

Very Basic To Do List

To do list

This is a very basic to do list which was my very first try at developing using android studio. I used ANDROID STUDIO, JAVA.

My Music Player

Music player

This is a personal music player to listen to music without ads as it uses what music you have on your device. I used ANDROID STUDIO, JAVA.

Scp Foundation

3D platform game

This was a project i did, where we connect to the starwars API using php and display the content we choose in php. Also able to load SCP from a database using json and phpAdmin, you can sign in as an ADMIN and then add to the database. I used HTML, CSS.

Change Color With Voice

voice color

You can use your voice to change the color of the background in the color project, and also text to speech and read aloud a paragraph. 💖

Adventure Game 3D

3D platform game

This was a fun little project learning more about 3D and unity. You have to make it through the levels collecting stars and watching out for enemies then fight the bose with animation at the end, you can save your progress to, this was made for PC. I used UNTIY, C#, VISUAL STUDIO.

My 3D Car Racing Game

3D car racing game

This is an EXE file, 3D car racing game using assets from unity's assets store. You have 4 tracks to do with 3 laps per track, only unlocking the next track once you come first after 3laps against AI's, You can choose from a selection of cars. This was made for PC. I used UNTIY, C#, VISUAL STUDIO.

Casino UWP Application

Casino app desktop

This is a UWP application i designed it has a variety of fun random games like roll the dice, lotto numbers and prediction to name a few.


work in prgress

This is a work in progress

Software Used

The software i have used to develop my 2D, 3D, AR applications and websites. 🐘

html image css image html image css image javascript Threejs Php for apps swagger stripe react cpanel hostgator github desktop visual studio code visual studio c sharp image unity game engine AR core for AR Wit ai Google play console Android studio for apps Java for apps Figma for design Kanbanchi task python softaware python softaware
